
YAN Xiang
Tel: 86-10-62784539-8003
Fax: 86-10-62772349
E-mail: [email protected]


Building  Acoustics

Network  Cabling in Building

Acoustic  Design in Auditoriums, Noise control, Laboratory Acoustical Tests,  Computer Simulation Research



Doctor of  Philosophy in Building Acoustics, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, 2008

M.S. in  Engineering Physics, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua  University, 1997

Bachelor in  Engineering Physics, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua  University, 1994



1997.4-2009.1,  Lecturer, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2009.1- ,  Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China



Rain Noise  Study on Light-weight Roofs and Measurement/Reduction Methodology

Under the  direction of Prof. Qin Youguo; This research has recorded legitimated  corrections on the results of artificial rain noise experiment. Both the  study of comparing rain noise from the same lightweight roof between  artificial raindrops in lab and real rains in field, and the long-term  rain noise measurements are unprecedented by other researchers

Acoustic  design of Beijing National Grand Theater

Acoustic  design of broadcasting Studio, recording studio, practice room, theater,  opera house, and concert hall. Vibration reduction study and engineering  design of recording studio. Engineering study and design of under seat  perforated cylindrical ventilation system.

Computer  Simulation of Acoustic Environment in Buildings and Open Areas

SPL mapping of  Tsinghua University Campus Area; SPL and RASTI analysis of Beijing  Olympic Cycling Stadium; SPL mapping of Beijing-Tianjing high-speed  railway; Acoustic design based on computer simulation for various  auditoriums, such as Daqing Cultural Center, Luoyang Grand Theater, etc.



Building  Acoustics for the undergraduate (90 students in spring)

Network  Cabling in Building for the undergraduate (90 students in spring)



1.     Visiting Architectural  Acoustic Institutes and Companies in German, 2008

2.     Collaborating with Prof.  Wang Anbin, Southampton Unviersity, on various vibration insulation  research projects, 2009

3.     Prof. Jin Yong JEON,  Hanyang University, Korea lectured for Tsinghua Building Acoustic Forum,  2009. Joint research on box shaped concert hall design with Prof. Jin  Yong JEON

4.     Isabelle Schmich, CSTB  chief acoustic consultant, France was invited to lecture for building  acoustic lab, 2009

5.     Prof. Henkel and Hummel,  German, was invited to lecture for Tsinghua Building Acoustic Lab, 2009

6.     Long term research  collaboration with Prof. Kang Jian, Sheffield University, UK.




Tomorrow of  Architecture Acoustics in China, 2007

The 37th  InterNoise Conference, Shanghai, China, 2008

“Civil  Architecture Sound Insulation and Real Estate Value” Summit Forum, 2008

The 10th  academic conference of Architecture Academy of China, Architectural  Physics department

Tomorrow of  Architecture Acoustics in China, 2009

IRF2009,  Porto, Portugal, 2009



Journal papers

1.     Yan Xiang, Zhou Qinlin.  Creative Application of Acoustic Design in Beijing National Grand  Theatre,Architectural Journal,2008.2

2.     Yan Xiang, Attention  should be paid to the impact noise insulation of floor slabs in dwelling  design,Architectural Journal,2008.6

3.     Yan Xiang, Zhang Hailiang.  New Methodology Application in Continuous Acoustic Environment  Test,Tsinghua University Journal,2008.4

4.     Yan Xiang, Architecture,  Art, Science-Room Acoustics in Beijing National Grand  Theatre,Entertainment Technology,2008.1

5.     Yan Xiang. Studies on  laboratory measurement of artificial rain noise from lightweight roofs,  “37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control  Engineering”(Inter-noise’2008)

6.     Yan Xiang. Studies on  reduction of rain noise from lightweight roofs,”37th International  Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering”(Inter-noise’2008)

7.     Yan Xiang, Scale Model  Studies on Sound Absorption of Theater Stage Opening, “38th  International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control  Engineering”(Inter-noise’2009)

8.     Yan Xiang, Discover  Enigmatic Echo From a 960 Years Old Dagoba In Inner Mongolia, “38th  International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control  Engineering”(Inter-noise’2009)

9.     Yan Xiang, “Room in Room”  structure Vibration Isolation Research, “3rd International Conference on  Integrity, Reliability & Failure” (IRF2009)

Selected conference proceedings

1.     Perspective of  Architectural Acoustics in China

2.     Acoustic Environment in  Commercial Buildings

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